Wednesday, August 1, 2018

March 21, Last day at sea and heading for Sydney

March 21, 2018

Our second day at sea and heading to Sydney.

In the morning we went to a cooking demonstration and directly afterwards for a tour of the galley. Very interesting.

In the afternoon we started some packing .

We just chilled out for the rest of the day.

Went to the evening show, put out the luggage for our arrival tomorrow.

March 20, 2018 A day at sea- formal night

March 20, 2018

We had rough seas today.
We just chilled out until 3 pm when we went to a formal tea at 3 pm.

It was formal night and most people dressed very nice.

Menu featured lobster and king prawns. After dinner all the waiters were in a parade holding baked Alaskas. Later our waiter told that the desserts they held were not real and that the ones served were large sheet cakes that were sliced up and served to the guests.

We went to show tonight which was musical featuring the dancers and singers - Born to be Wild.
Lots of rock and roll hits and a pink Cadillac was on the stage as a prop.
Great show.

At 10:30 pm we gathered in the atrium for the balloon drop. It was lots of fun-guests were dancing, others catching the balloons and others taking photos.